The Ugl, together with the other trade union organizations, has proclaimed a state of agitation through the immediate blocking of all bureaucratic activities in Lundbeck Italia”.
This was announced by the regional secretary of Ugl Chimici Lombardia, Fabrizio Rigoldi, after the meeting held last Friday at Assolombarda and the breakdown of negotiations with the company, explaining that "if on issues related to employment recovery and redeployments on on a voluntary basis with a third-party company a meeting point was reached, it was not the same as regards the use of alternative social safety nets, to which the company said it was unavailable, and the economic aspects. An attitude that we consider incomprehensible given the serious social and economic repercussions it will have on workers".
"The situation that has arisen is paradoxical - he concludes - and we will implement every possible initiative to protect the company's workers who have been waiting for answers for some time".
November 19, 2012